Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stop Porn Culture!

Pornography is one topic that I feel very strongly about, but because culture and media has made it be more normal it is hard to be the one on the other side and disagree with it.  Pornography is very degrading to everyone, especially the women who are putting themselves in this position.  From the video that we watched "The Price of Pleasure" I have learned so many different aspects which has made me feel even more strong about my opinion.  Porn is one of the largest adult entertainment business and large corporations such as Time warner, CBS, and Newscorp are all connected with the porn industry.  One of the things that really shocked me from this  was the amount of money that these women were getting paid to be in these porn movies.  The more exotic and dirty the act was, the more money the woman was going to get paid.  According to Chyng Sun, in the video it was stated that for a blow job they will get paid $300, girl on girl activity would be $600, anal would be $900 and so forth.  This tells you a lot about the activities that are taking place because if they are getting paid so much money for this, in my eyes it is a way to bribe and make them want to do it.  If they were getting paid a regular salary for all of the things they have to do, i am pretty sure they would not be apart of it.

Many feel that porn is a way for sexual arousal, and stimulation, but in porn the woman is the one who is always being degraded and not the man.  "Pornographic work tells us nothing about how pornography genrally influences male sexual behavior" (Dines & Humez, 420).

I did my paper on the website Stop Porn Culture, (  This website is one that is anti porn and it is a group of feminist who are challenging the porn culture, especially media.  What I found in this site is that it isn't a group who has formed a website but one who actually goes out to make themselves known and are fighting for this cause.  They have done marches, strikes, and annual conferences as well.  There was one section in this website that I touched on in my paper and that was the Q&A section.  What I like about this part of the website is that it was open to anyone to ask questions, and there are some questions that I feel like were challenging the point of this organization, but Dines did a great job with explaining the importance of this movement and how porn is very degrading and should not be taking place.

 Dines, G., & Humez, J.(2003) Gender, Race, and Class In Media. Sage Publications

Sun, C., & Picker, M., The Price of Pleasure ( Pornography, sexuality, & relationships). 2008

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